Dust: Companion Prints

Available now on Deviant Art. The Dust: Precursor Companion Prints. These three prints have been designed around the free art book Dust: Precursor. The three pieces all go together. Think of it as one, sectioned piece. You can pick them up now here for $10 a piece. Each piece an 8 x 12 matte photo print. Buy them for yourself, your friends, your loved ones. Just buy them.

Sideshow Collectibles: Jason Voorhees

Jason Vorhees , Sideshow Exclusive Edition. This piece was commissioned to accompany the Sideshow Collectibles Premium Format Figure. It's brilliant. The figure, along with the print, are limited to 200 and available for pre-order now on SideshowToy.com. You can view the image in my Deviant Art Gallery. The cool news is, there's more to come!

My Favorite Nightmares

I've been commissioned for a couple pieces and I'm very excited about these ones. Childhood favorites. Childhood nightmares. Fun stuff. I've got the first piece almost done, the second is soon to follow. Once I've got the green light to show them off I'll have the pieces up on Deviant Art along with information on how and where to purchase them. Which translates to "a link". Follow it.

Solomon Wakes

Over the next week I'm finally going to be wrapping this up. Lots of tweaks and polish. I'm looking forward to it. Once it's finished I may have an Issuu version available, if the details allow it. We'll see what outlet this finds itself.

Ashcan Press

Eleven pieces total, all now available for viewing on Deviant Art. You can check them (Ashcan Press) out here.

The Ashcan

A handful of covers commissioned by Ashcan Press. Various series. Really smart stories. They've got some great material up their sleeves. Hopefully, within the next month or so, I'll get the green light to share these with the world. Expect a follow up with a link to the pieces as well as the Ashcan Press website.

Solomon Wakes

Book one nears completion and with its resurrection has come the injection of new work, panels and scenes alike, lettering, reworking the layout and presentation entirely. I'm really happy with how this is progressing. Gauging it optimistically, I'll have this wrapped up in about a month.

Dust: Precursor

Dust: Precursor, an art book, is now available through Issuu. A brief history of my work. Favorites. Download or print it off. Either way it's free to you. Follow the link to the right or just grab your copy here.


Lucas has moved on to the next phase of its evolution. I've canned the idea of the story-based--art-book. Now formated as a short horror, I am collaborating with Sukhbir P. and I'm really excited to turn this one out. I'm sticking the art-book concept on the back-burner for now.

Jet-Boy: Victory. Rocket Hero

Another micro-project of mine. I'm currently collaborating with Zach C., a fellow illustrator whose work is going to be featured in Satellite Soda: Book 3 as well. His Flapjack-esque style is going to rock your world.

Solomon Wakes

After a good deal of time away from this book I've found new inspiration. I've found that the publisher of this book is far from it. A licensing house that has little, even no, intentions of printing the stories it picks up, Solomon included. Live and learn. Along with the inspiration I'm finding my middle finger flying high. I'm doing this book the way I wanted to. I'm not going to stop using all those dot things.


Lucas is the dark little secret I've got brewing. A hybrid art book that compiles the work of various artists with one short, twisted tale of terror. The story and opening artwork has gone out to various publishers. We'll see where this goes.

Satellite Soda: Book 3

Four spanking new pieces gracing the pages of the next Satellite Soda book. This will be available for purchase at the 2010 SDCC. Go.

Shwann: The Futuristic Samurai DJ

One piece done for the Shwann book. You can read up on it here. Lots of great artists contributed to this, check it out.